Line5: BOOTPROTO=protocol: Booting protocol, other values can be bootp & dhcp as well.

Subsequently one can bring it down using # ifdown Once the file is created correctly, one can activate that NIC card with below commands: More details about these parameters can be found at Line8: Gateway used to communicate with external world Line7: NETMASKn=mask: where mask is the netmask value and the n is expected to be consecutive positive integers starting from 0 Line6: IPADDRn=address: where address is the IPv4 address and the n is expected to be consecutive positive integers starting from 0

NOTE: Be careful while using ‘service network restart’ as it will diconnect all active connection rather than resetting current NIC only. # setup > Network configuration > Device configuration > New Device > Ethernet > Add Now the NIC will be up with IP address even after reboot. Though device is created here by above steps & configuration file also created, but device is not active by default. (b) In RHEL /CentOS 7 – nmtui NetworkManager utility To activate it use “ ifup eth1” command as used previously. This too has created configuration file : /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno33554992īut NIC is not activated by default, to activate it,use below : Nmtui > Edit a connection > enoxxx > Fill details like below In RHEL 7 default naming schema of NIC card is followed as enoXXX rather than ethXX. #HP ILO 4 USE DIRECTORY DEFAULT SCHEMA SCRIPTING PASSWORD#.#HP ILO 4 USE DIRECTORY DEFAULT SCHEMA SCRIPTING SOFTWARE#.#HP ILO 4 USE DIRECTORY DEFAULT SCHEMA SCRIPTING FULL#.#HP ILO 4 USE DIRECTORY DEFAULT SCHEMA SCRIPTING INSTALL#.#HP ILO 4 USE DIRECTORY DEFAULT SCHEMA SCRIPTING HOW TO#.